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Nov 22nd - Added to our preorder list

We are very happy to say that Urban Samurai will be stocking Square Enix Play Arts Kai figures. We have started with some new preorders for these figures here:

Square Enix Robocop 1.0 and 3.0 from the new movie
Square Enix 1987 Robocop
Square Enix  Alien Lurker and Alien Spitter
Square Enix Assassin's Creed Edward Kenway and Connor Kenway

Other items added to our preorder list are:

Premium Format Captain America
Premium Format Hellboy
Premium Format Apocalypse
Legendary Scale Iron Man Mark VII

And the 1/6 Scale items added:

DID Sergeant Major Wolfram
Original Effect Female Body Reborn
Kumick Irena
Sideshow Nathan Drake
Sideshow Imperial Probe Droid
Hot Toys Chitauri Footsoldier and Commander

Whew, that is a lot of new items!